Quality vegetable protein: preserved broad beans and artichokes

In a world that is more aware of the importance of a balanced and healthy diet, the role of vegetables as a source of quality protein is gaining ground, as it has to cover 10-15% of the total calorie intake of our diet.

Traditionally, protein has been associated with animal products, but the truth is that nature provides us with a wide range of vegetable options rich in this nutrient.

Vegetable protein is low in saturated fat, high in fibre and suitable for specific diets, even for athletes who need that extra but are also looking to take care of themselves. In addition, its consumption has a lower environmental impact than the production of animal protein, which makes it a more sustainable option.

In this respect, Alsur offers several options, two of its jewels being preserved broad beans and artichokes.

Broad beans: vegetable protein full of flavour

Preserved fava beans are a nutritious and delicious way to add vegetables to your diet. With approximately 6 grams of protein per-100 grams, canned fava beans offer a good dose of this essential nutrient. They are also an excellent source of fibre, folic acid, iron and magnesium. Their mild flavour and creamy texture make them a perfect complement to a wide variety of dishes.

If we look at the proportions of grams of protein per-cup, you should know that one cup of fava beans contains around 12 grams of protein, which is an attractive option for anyone looking to increase their protein intake, whether for muscle development, to aid recovery after exercise or simply to stay satiated for longer.

According to some of the studies and surveys, the most important attributes for Alsur consumers are taste and texture. Furthermore, canned broad beans are low in saturated fats and contain no cholesterol.

Another of their great advantages is their versatility in the kitchen, as they can be used in a wide variety of dishes, from salads, stews, soups, stir-fries and can even be transformed into delicious creams or purees.

Their mild flavour and texture make them a real delicacy which, thanks to their packaging, can be enjoyed at any time. Thanks to these qualities, our broad beans are chosen by 2 out of every 5 consumers of broad beans.

Broad beans are currently one of the top healthy products together with edamame, considered to be a complete protein that has become one of the most popular snacks among those who take the most care of themselves.

Artichokes: an unparalleled taste experience

Although artichokes are not usually recognised as a major source of protein, their content of this macronutrient is more significant than you might think. The protein present in artichokes is of vegetable origin, low in saturated fat.

They typically contain around 2-3 grams of protein per 100 grams of edible portion. In addition, they offer an excellent variety of amino acids. They are rich in fibre, vitamins (such as C, K and several B complex vitamins) and minerals (including calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron). This makes them an ideal choice for vegetarians and vegans, as well as for those looking to diversify their protein sources and reduce consumption of animal-based foods.

Sustainability and respect for the environment

One of the most outstanding aspects of canned beans and artichokes is their contribution to environmental sustainability.
By opting for vegetable proteins instead of animal proteins, the ecological footprint associated with food production is significantly reduced. In addition, the preservation process of these vegetables allows their shelf life to be extended without the need for chemical additives, thus minimising food waste and promoting more responsible and environmentally friendly food practices.

Quality vs. quantity: what should you prioritise?

While it is important to consider the quantity of protein offered by foods, it is also important to consider the quality of the protein.

Plant proteins tend to be lower in essential amino acids than animal proteins, but they can be combined with other foods to ensure a complete amino acid intake. For example, combining legumes with whole grains creates a complete and balanced

In short, canned beans and artichokes are a clear example of the protein potential offered by vegetables.
Including a variety of vegetables in our diet not only offers us a more balanced and tasty diet and an improvement in our well-being, but also contributes to improving the health of the planet.

So the next time you go into the kitchen or choose quality products for your establishment, don’t forget to give priority to our tasty and complete vegetable preserves. Because our Alsur flavour preserves the natural and meets the needs of today’s consumers.

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