How preserved vegetables have become a key part of batch cooking

Often, the pace of life we lead does not allow us to spend time in the kitchen. Frequently, planning a weekly menu for the family or for ourselves becomes a difficult task without proper organisation and preparation of the food beforehand. This can affect our diet and, consequently, our health.

One of the most popular and viral techniques on social networks is batch cooking. Basically, it consists of cooking large quantities of food in one go, which saves a lot of time and money on weekly meals.

Preserves are the best allies in this sense, as they preserve their properties and are always ready and on hand to be used at any time, which makes it easier to organise meals efficiently.

What does batch cooking consist of?

Batch cooking is based on cooking the whole week’s menu at once, always taking into account the correct preservation of the food and the nutritional distribution of each of the dishes. This method simplifies our lives considerably, allowing us to cook different preparations to take to work, menus for the whole family or simply to have the food ready when we get home without having to go to the supermarket.

Batch cooking focuses on a balanced diet and uses quality food, so this practice that makes our daily lives easier and takes care of our health is ideal for today’s lifestyle. However, it is a routine that requires discipline, planning and prior consideration of factors such as: recipes with common foods, balanced tuppers and a careful choice of foods. In this sense, Alsur’s preserved vegetables are ideal for preparing our weekly menu while preserving all the flavour.

The benefits of batch cooking

There are countless advantages to incorporating this technique into our routine It allows us to enjoy healthy, home-cooked food throughout the week without rushing or stress, and with more free time.

If, in addition to using this technique, we integrate Alsur preserves, we significantly reduce the time spent on cooking, optimise resources and control our food more consciously.


Tips for getting started with batch cooking

  • Start slowly, don’t try to cover all the recipes on the weekly menu in one go, but have at least a minimum of planning so that you can progress gradually.
  • Make sure you have glass containers or tuppers of different sizes and shapes, as they withstand temperatures and freezing better than plastic ones.
  • Store meals in individual portions for easier serving and portioning.
  • Try to schedule a day of the week for shopping to save time and money. Organise the menus you are going to prepare for the week before you go shopping.
  • Opt for preserved vegetables, their nutrients and properties are retained for long periods of time and they are easy to store.
  • Make sure you have glass containers or tuppers of different sizes and shapes, as they withstand temperatures and freezing better than plastic ones. Make the most of and reuse the jars of our preserves to store your preparations.

Ideas for your batch cooking with Alsur

Alsur’s wide selection of products makes it easy to prepare healthy and varied menus. For example, you can add piquillo peppers to a Mediterranean salad or a stew, integrate some green asparagus into a wholemeal pasta with garlic, or have artichokes ready to eat for any unexpected eventuality.

Times change and evolve, and so do our forms of consumption. For this reason, batch cooking is gaining ground as an efficient technique for eating tasty, healthy and easy food. If we also take advantage of the ease of use and properties that vegetable preserves provide us with, we will face the week with the peace of mind of having our healthy and balanced menu ready so that we don’t have to worry about it and we can make the most of every minute of the day.

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